Hint has been Updated

We’ve just released an updated version of our puzzle game Hint. All new Android devices should now be supported. If you had wanted to play before but received a message that your device wasn’t supported, now is your chance to try and win one of the four remaining grand prizes!

Be a beta tester

Beta testing has begun and we would love to get feedback on everything! Do you like the music? Do you like the guides? Are any of the levels too hard? Do we need better hints? If you are interested to be a beta tester, jump on the Hint discord channel and let us know!

Avoiding Phone Game Pitfalls

For my very first post, I wrote an article critiquing common design shortfalls of phone games. For this article I want to talk about how I plan to avoid each of the mistakes I listed there while making Hint. Before we get too far into this article, however, consider yourself warned that there might be […]

I’m Making a Phone Game!

“But Chris, I thought you said you hate phone games?” Well, that’s not what I was trying to say, but I think the message might have come across that way to some people. I actually play a lot of phone games. I was surprised to find that I stopped playing on my 3DS because it […]